The Police
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Tool thefts from vans

There has been an increase in vans being targeted for tools in parts of the county. Power tools are primarily being targeted. Doors are being prised open and holes being drilled in to locks of the back or side doors.


Please remain vigilant and report suspicious incidents. Do your best to either remove tools when parked up overnight or take steps to implement additional security to the vehicle. Visit the below website for further advice.  


NPT will be carrying out patrols in the Fairford & Lechlade and surrounding areas.  

You can find plenty of crime prevention advice on our website: https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/

Please note, we're unable to accept reports of crime through Your Neighbourhood Alerts. You can report non-emergency crime online here. Always call 999 in an emergency. 



Kind regards

Fairford & Lechlade NPT

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Message Sent By
Zaheer Bulbul
(Police, PCSO, Fairford and Lechlade Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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