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Crime Update

These are the incidents that have happened in your area from 08:00 9th February and 08:00 12th February 2024. If you wish to update us on an incident or to tell us about an existing case visit https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/cor/tell-us-about-existing-case-report/

Or to report a crime visit https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/contact-us/report-a-crime-or-incident/


  • Number plates have been stolen from a car that was parked outside a school in Sherbourne, Cheltenham. This happened 10/02/25 between 14:00 and 15:55. Incident no 278 of the 10/02/24.

  • A car window has been smashed and a blue superdry coat with sponsor names on it has been stolen. The car was parked in a National Trust car park. Sherbourne, Cheltenham. This happened 10/02/24 between 15:00 and 15:55. Incident no 142 of the 11/02/24.

    Number plates can be fitted with anti theft screws. Please remember not to leave valuables in your vehicles or keep out of sight.


    Please don't hesitate to call the Police if you witness suspicious activity and dial 999 if you believe a crime is taking place. 

    You can also report any information anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111 or online at Giving information | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)

    For crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Gloucestershire Constabulary



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    Crime Prevention
    (Gloucestershire Constabulary, Neighbourhood Watch, Crime Prevention Team, Gloucestershire)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials