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Crime Update

These are the incidents that have taken place in your area from 08:00hrs on the 17th September and 08:00hrs on the 18th September. If you wish to update us on an incident or tell us about an existing case visit How to tell us about an existing case or report | Gloucestershire Constabulary 

Or to report a crime visit Report a crime | Gloucestershire Constabulary


  • Unknown offender(s) have entered a yard and stolen a whacker plate. A wheelbarrow was also moved and found by a hole that the offender(s) had made in the perimeter fence. A suspicious male described as gaunt and aged in his 40s was seen in the area. Bridge Street, Cheltenham. Between Friday 13th and Monday 16th September. Incident 383 of 17/09/2024.
  • Please don't hesitate to call the Police if you witness suspicious activity and dial 999 if you believe a crime is taking place. 

    You can also report any information anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555111 or online at Giving information | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)

    For crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Gloucestershire Constabulary

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    Crime Reduction
    (Gloucestershire Constabulary, Crime Prevention Team, Gloucestershire)

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