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Theft Spike in Rural Areas

Good afternoon! I appreciate this may be very similar to a message I sent a few weeks ago but we need your help! Please share this message with any rural groups, farmers, neighbours, equestrian centres or anyone in the rural communities who may need to see it.


We're currently dealing with a spike in thefts of Quad Bikes, ATV's, UTV's and Trailers and the team are working hard to identify offenders but please can you check the following?


🔒 Please ensure that your security is as tight as it can be. Gates shut, machines and trailers are locked away with functioning cameras and lighting. It's all about making thieves lives as hard as possible! 

If you do have a machine stolen, please report it immediately (asking for it to be flagged to the Rural Crime Team!) and secure CCTV images. 


🔑 If you can - get the key barrel changed in your machine. A lot of agricultural manufacturers have security issues with their standard fit keys, getting a new unique one will help put obstacles in the way of thieves!


🚐 Smaller quad bikes can be concealed in large vans not just pulled on trailers so please report any suspicious vehicles in the area to us!


🚨 If you haven't already, please consider a tracking device! You don't have to use our schemes but trackers can really make a massive difference in returning the machine to you - two of the stolen machines were located as they had some form of tracker in them. Just make sure any devices are very well hidden!


If you are interested in one from our scheme, please see below and leaflets attached!


We are currently in partnership with AX TRACK (hidden trackers concealed in your machine) and VIN CHIP (who use RFID Technology - like a microchip all over your machine that helps identify an owner when located) and this offer is exclusive for Gloucestershire.

For further information on these products visit the below and complete the contact form and refer to the Gloucestershire Constabulary Scheme:

AX TRACK - use code GLOSPolice@AXTrack - https://track.ax-uk.com/

12 months tracker cover for just £140+VAT inc installation

(Can also be installed in High Value Vehicles)


VIN CHIP - https://www.vinchip.co.uk/gloucestershire-farm-and-estate-watch-in-partnership-with-vin-chip/

Only £25 and a reduction on your premiums with NFU Mutual.


Thank you for your help with sharing this message!


PS 2323 Sam Swinford - Rural, Wildlife and Heritage Crime Sergeant.


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Message Sent By
Samantha Swinford
(Gloucestershire Constabulary, Police Sergeant, Gloucester)

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