It was reported to us that in the early evening of the 22nd of March, 2 men wearing high vis jackets and driving a black range rover were driving slowing around the area of Forest Road, Ruardean Woodside looking into peoples gardens. It was also reported that they were asking local residents if their vehicle were for sale. We urge local residents of Ruardean to please make sure their gardens, vehicles and sheds are properly secured. If you have seen something similar in the area then please report any suspicious circumstances through Something you've seen or heard | Gloucestershire Constabulary
Alternatively, you can give information anonymously by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or reporting online:
You can find plenty of crime prevention advice on our website:
Please note, we're unable to accept reports of crime through Your Neighbourhood Alerts. You can report non-emergency crime online here. Always call 999 in an emergency. |